CULP - Centre for Unfolding Learning Potentials

CULP was set-up by like-minded educationists and social activists dedicated to bring about positive social change.

GuideStar India Certification Level: Transparency key

CULP was set-up by like-minded educationists and social activists dedicated to bring about positive social change via designed interventions and affirmative action in the domain of education and development and Incorporated under the Rajasthan Societies Registration Act of 1958 in 2001 as non-profit organization with a vision towards a learning and democratic society and mission to make learning unfold and develop in an environment of mutuality and discovery.  

CULP works in thematic areas: Quality Education, Child Protection, Gender Equality and Women Empowerment, Skill Training and Youth Development, Women and Child Health, Research / Studies, and Networking & Advocacy for Policy Reformation. CULP is currently working for imparting relevant education to out-of-school adolescent girls to grow them into their full potential, addressing the gender-based violence / exploitation, women sexual health and well-being in rural Rajasthan through awareness campaigns along with skill training to adolescent girls and young women in rural Rajasthan.

CULP believes that the transformation occurs when one plans with people and not for them to promote change in attitudes and empowerment through collectivization. With this approach, we want that girls and women are vocal enough to raise voices for their rights through improved knowledge and skills for informed decision making and apply learned life skills in the context of countering early and forced marriage and violence. The mentioned approach can be seen in the CULP’s action as it designed and implemented an innovative Project ‘Pehchan’ to educate out-of-school adolescent girls with an objective to ensure quality school education along with life and employability skills, knowledge of health and hygiene, democratic and development processes in order to develop their self-identity, self-esteem and self-confidence for taking their life decisions in their patriarchal society. Apart from it, as an active partner of Girls Not Brides Rajasthan Alliance, it has been instrumental in creating awareness against child, forced and early marriage and gender-based violence through campaigns, studies and girls forums.

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